Firewall doesn't remember rules

Hi everybody,

I’ve been using comodo ever since I found out Sygate was bought by Sysmantec.
And am very pleased with it, so keep up the good work.
However since a few days I started to run into a little problem.

Everytime I start “World of Wacraft” up I have to accept the rules (in the pop up from Comodo Firewall) again.
I recently updated WoW to version 3.0.8, so I tought maybe it is cause a new dynamic security, so it changes some of the code.
So I decided to add Blizzard Entertainment to the “My Trusted Software Vendors”

This doesn’t seem to work either, cause it just keeps asking.
I even completely uninstalled and reinstalled the firewall.

I’m using:

  • Windows Vista 64
  • Comodo Firewall 3.5.57173.439
    Firewall Security level - Safe mode.
    Defense + Security level - Clean PC mode.

I hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advanced.

It’s because Launcher.exe copies itself to a temp folder adding a random numer in the folder’s name. Comodo treats it a s completely new app so rules do not work. Even setting original launcher to Installer, Updater or Web Browser does not work, even if it Trusted of Certified.

There is a one possible solution for this in;msg241392#msg241392. :SMLR