Firewall configuration block internet, but allow internal communication.

Hello Comodo Forum-members,

I would like to block some applications from sending or receiving connections from the internet, but they must be able to communicate with other applications running on my computer using the TCP-protocol. I narrowed the problem down to the CIS Firewall, when disabled (with a closed internet connection), the applications work fine.

I know I can change the settings in the CIS firewall tab (applicationrules) but I can’t find a correct configuration setting that fits my needs, does anyone have an idea?

I found a solution; I had to make two rules for the applications, the first was a “block all”-rule (block all I/O traffic from/to all IP’s on all ports) to restrict internet acces; then I added a second rule “allow-ip” that was from (localhost) to on all ports.

all tested and in working order. :slight_smile:

This is what I’m trying to do as well. I’ve allowed IP within the network but when I try to add another rule – right-click, Add, I browse to that application’s .exe file, then select “Use Custom Ruleset” then “copy from”, “Ruleset”, “Blocked Application”. Then message pops up that the entry already exists and will not add the new rule. So how do you do it? Thank you.

Guess I can’t edit my posts yet. So I found how to do it. Dbl-click the application, not the rule. Once that box opens, make your firewall rule. If you want to add another, then click the rule itself and select Add. Make your second rule. Here’s the neat thing. If you want to apply the exact same to other applications, just click Use a Custom Ruleset, then Copy From and choose Another Application. There may be an easier way yet; this is the first way I found.