Firewall block my Network Neighborhood Discovery


I have several PCs connected to my Broadband Modem, internally they all have some IP like
192.168.0.x with netmask
unfortunately I can only access the shares on my next PC when I disable the Firewall, which sucks of course.
I tried adding this rule (picture) but still doesn’t work.
Before I try messing even more, maybe somebody can gimme a hint what to do.

Check if you have “Enable automatic detection of private networks” ticked (enabled) and that the network zones “Loopback Zone” and “Home #1” (and maybe “Home #2”) appear in the list as shown in attached image.

Those network zones should be listed in Global Rules in order to gain access to your local network, see the other attached image.

Normally CIS detects your local network automatically and pops up a “Network Detected” window asking you what to do, see here:

Attached GlobaRules image again.

yes Auto-discovery was enabled, maybe the problem is Comodo hasn’t properly designed my home1 network? I dont see a home2 network.
Or problem it a few Win10 Apps I have blocked in network, but afaik I only blocked stuff that has nothing to do with network discovery.
3 screenshots attached.

There are vital Windows System components (read: windows executables) that need network access in order for your system to work properly, it may not be wise to block these Windows System components in firewall.
Example, one of them is svchost if you totally block it in firewall you run into troubles.

I would say try again accessing your local network without blocking any Windows System components in firewall.

i know there’s vital services, I didnt block them. I blocked just some new Win10 ■■■■ cause I dont want MS to know every ■■■■ thing I do.
That’s the point of installing Comodo for me anyway, and of course block hackers, which is the minor problem with using Microsoft today.
The main reason to have a Firewall on Windows is to stop MS from spying.

I understand your point. I don’t like all that spying either but I’m afraid it is not only limited to MS . . .

As a hint: You could export your current configuration (if you want to keep your settings that is) and then activate or import (and activate) a new (clean) configuration to start all over setting up everything including the automatic setup of your home network to see if it then works.
You can always revert to your previous (saved) exported configuration to get back your current settings.

that is a good suggestion. I saved my fail config, but how do I start with a new one? There’s no option for this? do i need to just reinstall it again? or can i download standard configs from website?

In “C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security” you will find the default configurations files that were created during CIS installation. Make sure you don’t overwrite these files, always export (save) with a different name.

Please also spend some time on reading about managing configurations. See here:

Maybe you can figure it out how it all works.

thanks for all the tips. i’ll continue messing with CIS later. I like it, it’s a great product. maybe some stuff could be a bit more easy in the interface, but then you can’t please everyone if you need a balance between total noobs - tech freaks - semi pros and experts, but definitely the best FW/Antivirus you can get even for free or a cheap subscription with tech support.
thank you

It’s all too easy to overwrite the default configs. IMO, they should be read-only so you can just hit a reset-to-default button.

right. also in the configs menu, would be practical to have these options as well:
CLONE Config
RESET to Original State (something like that which restores the 3 shipped configs but lets any extra user made configs in peace (providing they have non-conflicting names).

The default Configurations can always be imported from the Comodo installation folder. Any changes made are stored in the Registry and aren’t written to those defaults . . . . unless you purposefully export a Config file to that folder and overwrite a default of the same name

That’s exactly what I meant to say in my previous post.

I always make backups of those files right after CIS finishes installation, just in case.

Furthermore, the default configuration files can’t be used on other systems as they already contain system dependent information which was added to those default configuration files during CIS installation time.