Firewall Alerts

I have set the alert frequency level to LOW so I should be getting only 1 alert for each application… but I have received like so many for iexplore.exe that it really sometimes gets annoying, especially when you click allow and then the alert pop up freezes for few long annoying seconds. Anyways seems like I get alerts when I click a link in Internet Explorer and another window is launched, just about then Comodo pops up an alert whether I want to allow IExplore.exe to launch another IExplore.exe… now this is that whole parent-application issue but still since it is IExplore.exe it should just let it access the internet because I have already allowed it once.

Anyways how do I turn off this or maybe adjust the parent-application process thingy?

Hi ghaznichi, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

What your seeing, as you correctly point out, is part of CFPs Application Behaviour Analysis. (parent-application process thingy)

Although you will receive a number of alerts initially, they should stop, assuming you are telling CFP to allow and remember.

You could disable ABA, but to do so would be removing a VERY LARGE part of what CFP does, in terms of security. I really do not recommend you do this.

If these prompts continue, it may be worth your posting some screen shots of identical prompts.

Another suggestion, go to CFP/Advanced/Misc and maker sure the box for, Do not show any alers for applications certified by Comodo, is ticked.


Another suggestion, go to CFP/Advanced/Misc and maker sure the box for, Do not show any alers for applications certified by Comodo, is ticked.
As Toggie mentions doing this, I'll explain the "why" of it (briefly). The way CFP's ABA is set up for these alerts, if both applications are on the "safelist" you should not see these alerts (provided that you are using the safelist - which is the case by default - the box Toggie mentions should be checked). If one or both apps is not on the list, you will get such an alert. The general rule of thumb is that if you recognize both apps, it is safe to Allow; it is also considered safe to Allow with Remember, so that you wont' see that specific alert again.

As for the AF level to Low, that is set to cue for Application and Direction (Out, In), so that’s not necessarily one alert per app. Very Low, on the other hand, is Application only; no other details apply, so that is one alert per app. ABA will of course monitor for other activity, which is the whole point. Just a note: Egemen, the lead FW developer has stated that he keeps CFP set at Very Low, with ABA On, and that this is fully secure in his opinion.