Finnish GUI translation

1. What actually happened or you saw:
No Finnish GUI translation available.

2. What you wanted to happen or see:
Finnish GUI translation added.

3. Why you think it is desirable:
Too many Finns/Estonians (Estonians less so, and their understanding of Finnish has suffered over the years) have way too lacking English to make it feasable to install Comodo products at all. For someone of my level this is no problem.

4. Any other information:
I’m a native Finnish user with very good English. I’m the man to provide GUI translations of quality that leaves nothing for guessing if the given space and programming support allows. I prefer compensation for my work, but my experience with Comodo Firewall tells it can be too much asked.


Please PM to Alexander Suvak who is Product Translator of Comodo. He will help you about it.
If you are able to translate from English to your language, please take a look at this topic. You can translate Comodo Cloud Antivirus.;msg833014#msg833014
