Files blocked from KS aren't blocked if HIPS is off [M163]

A. THE BUG/ISSUE (Varies from issue to issue)
[ol]- Summary - I am not sure whether it’s a bug or not for the Blocked File function.

  • Can U reproduce the problem & if so how reliably?: Yes. Always
  • If U can, exact steps to reproduce. If not, exactly what U did & what happened: See the attached picture Comparison.png
  • If not obvious, what U expected to happen: The Blocked File function always works no matter whether the HIPS is disabled or enabled.
  • If a software compatibility problem have U tried the conflict FAQ?: It is NOT a compatibility problem.
  • Any software except CIS/OS involved? If so - name, & exact version: N/A
  • Any other information, eg your guess at the cause, how U tried to fix it etc:
    As we all known, the HIPS is disabled by default in CIS 6.0. For the users who do not enable HIPS in their daily using, they may encounter security risk.
    See the attached screenshot, click “Kill and Block Process”, then this process(it can be a malware, etc.) is killed and added into the blocked file list. But the blocked file function does not work at all because the HIPS is disabled, i.e. this process can not be blocked if it runs again.
  • Always attach - Diagnostics file, Watch Activity process list, (dump if freeze/crash). If complex - CIS logs & config, screenshots, video, zipped program (not m’ware)[/ol]

B. YOUR SETUP (Likely the same for each issue, so you can copy forward)
[ol]- Exact CIS version & configuration: COMODO Internet Security 6.0.264710.2708, Proactive

  • Modules enabled & level. D+/HIPS, Autosandbox/BBlocker, Firewall, & AV:
    Firewall: Enabled (safe mode)
    Defense+ HIPS: Enabled (safe mode)
    Defense+ Behavior Blocker: Enabled (limited)
    AV: realtime scan enabled
  • Have U made any other changes to the default config? (egs here.): NO
  • Have U updated (without uninstall) from a previous version of CIS: NO
    [li]if so, have U tried a a clean reinstall - if not please do?:
    [/li]- Have U imported a config from a previous version of CIS: NO
    [li]if so, have U tried a standard config - if not please do:
    [/li]- OS version, SP, 32/64 bit, UAC setting, account type, & VM used: Windows 7 SP1 32-bit, UAC= ON, Admin, VM not used
  • Other security/sandbox software a) currently installed b) installed since OS: N/A

[attachment deleted by admin]

Yes you reported this at Beta I think, and Sivasuresh, and indeed I have found the same thing. Thanks for doing a full report.

[at]QA What appears to have happened here is that in separating the BB from HIPS file blocking in KS blocking was forgotten?

One way to handle this is for the right click block to offer to turn on HIPS in alerts suppressed mode?

Another maybe less satisfactory one is to block like Ithink AV does using the BB. The trouble is this means there is no visible list.

The best might be to have a dialog with a merged blocked files list with those blocked by BB and HIPS in different colours or panes, maybe greyed out if either module was off.

Best wishes


Thank you very much for your report in standard format, with all information supplied. The care you have taken is much appreciated by Comodo, and will increase the likelihood that this bug can be fixed.

Developers may or may or may not communicate with you in the forum or by PM/IM, depending on time availability and need. Because you have supplied complete information they may be able to replicate and fix the bug without doing so.

Many thanks again


Can you please check and see if this is fixed with the newest version? Please let us know whether it is fixed or you are still experiencing the problem.

Thank you.

PM sent.

Not Fixed in version 6.1.276867.2813.

Chiron, thank you for your PM, and I am very sorry to response so late.

I can confirm not fixed.

Noted on tracker, thanks for feedback


Not Fixed in version 6.2.282872.2847.

Thank you for checking this.

I have updated the tracker.

Can you please check and see if this is fixed with the newest version (6.3.294583.2937)? Please let us know whether it is fixed or you are still experiencing the problem.

Thank you.

PM sent.

Not Fixed in version 6.3.294583.2937.

Thank you for checking this.

I’ve updated the tracker.

Can you please check and see if this is fixed with the newest version (7.0.313494.4115)? Please respond to this topic letting us know whether it is fixed or if you are still experiencing the problem.

Thank you.

PM sent.

Not Fixed in version 7.0.313494.4115.

Thank you for checking this. I have updated the tracker.

The devs have not marked this as Fixed in the tracker. However, sometimes bugs are fixed by the release of new versions, but not marked as Fixed in the tracker.

If you are able please check with the newest version (CIS version and let me know if this is fixed on your computer with that version.

Thank you.

The devs have not marked this as Fixed in the tracker. However, sometimes bugs are fixed by the release of new versions, but not marked as Fixed in the tracker.

If you are able please check with the newest version (CIS version and let me know if this is fixed on your computer with that version.

Thank you.

The OP has let me know that this is not fixed in