File List - Add Files / Add Folders - malfunction

“File Rating → File List → Add → Files”
“File Rating → File List → Add → Folders”

These two options don’t work and behave very problematic (messages popping up saying file already exists on the File List) when using “Files” and “Folders” options after each other (or the other way round).

The added files or folders do not appear on the File List.

However the added files or folders do appear on the Purge List when the files or folders on the system have been removed (or have been renamed) first before selecting Purge.

Hi CISfan,

Thank you for reporting, we will check and update you.


Suffers from a quite identical issue.
Tiny difference is that some of the added files or folders sometimes (but not always) appear on the File List.
When adding a Folder not all files that reside in that folder get added to the File List.

So also in this version the Add Files / Add Folders options behave erratically.

Hi CISfan,

We are checking on this.


Correction to the above, because was updated from a fresh installed (using default settings after installation) I still had “File Rating → File List → Show file” set at default “Executables” setting and because I was adding batch files to the File List it looked like as if those batch files weren’t added to the File List but they did, when I switched the “File Rating → File List → Show file” setting to “All types” the added batch files appeared on the File List.

Now to the other “odd” thing which I’ve noticed when adding files to the File List using the add “Files” and add “Folder” options.
It seems the “odd” happens when trying to add identical files to the File List like this :

use Add “Files” to add “batch_file01.bat” and “batch_file02.bat” to the File List.

use Add “Folder” to add "C:\batch_files" to the File List.

Now CIS pops up the following two message windows after each other :

  1. Warning Window : “(!) Some of the selected files are already on the list.”
  2. Add Files Window : "Add 2 file(s) as Trusted (Click OK button)

After clicking the OK button in step 2) the added folder files do not appear on the File List.

Questions are:

  • Should all identical files appear on the File List if they are located in different directories?
  • Does CIS show the correct message windows 1) and 2) in this case?

Hi CISfan,

We will check with the team and update you.
