Feature request

I’m evaluating CPF and it seems promising.

Enhancement that would be helpful:
Allow full configuration options in interactive popup window (the one asking whether I want to allow/disallow certain communication) instead of just Allow/Deny (+remember).

Please implement current traffic speed column in Activity/Connections table for each application. The similar way Sunbelt KPF has it.

It would be very nice if CPF could control applications and be able to allow/deny application launching, check application integrity etc.

Hi aquat,

Allow full configuration options in interactive popup window (the one asking whether I want to allow/disallow certain communication) instead of just Allow/Deny (+remember).

What exactly do you mean by “certain communications”?

Please implement current traffic speed column in Activity/Connections table for each application. The similar way Sunbelt KPF has it.

If you open CPF and click on ACTIVITY - CONNECTIONS, CPF displays a real time traffic flow for each running application.

It would be very nice if CPF could control applications and be able to allow/deny application launching, check application integrity etc.

This sounds like the HIPS that has been built into the latest beta of Comodo anti virus. Future verson of CPF will have HIPS functionality, but will focus on the system entry vectors, rather than at the application layer.

Comodo appear to be taking the point of view that the firewall is designed to control ingress or egress to/from a system. Launching an application may be best left to another app, rather than the firewall, so it can focus on its primary task.

If you install CAVS2, you’ll see how they work together. The HIPS in CAVS2 determines whether an app can start and CPF determines where that app can go, once it’s started.

Maybe you should post your original posting in the CPF wishlist topic.

Hope this helps,
Ewen :slight_smile:

Hi panic,
thanks for quick reply

Maybe example makes it more clear:
I run an APP and CPF asks to allow outbound communication with options Allow/Deny (+remember it). I would appreciate to have option here (in the confirmation popup window) to say: Let me finetune the rule. I mean to narrow or widen APP permissions immediately not afterwards in CPF Control Centre in Security->Application monitor.

Both good ideas, particularly the first one.

Can you please post these in the CPF wishlist?

EWen :slight_smile: