FAQ page - loaded with errors!‏

For Your Information: I noticed a lot of errors on your home page FAQ section, they are as follows and should be rectified by someone. I am listing them by the question affected.

Question: What if I don’t want you remotely connecting to my PC? - the word “technician” has been spelled incorrectly…
Question: How do you remotely connect to my computer? - the word “matter” has been spelled incorrectly…
Question: How often will you scan my PC for threats? - the word “thorough” has been spelled incorrectly…
Question: How do livePCsupport technicians access my PC remotely? - the grammar is very bad i.e. “Users will grant permission for the initial remote connection on the In the case of some issues where the service cannot be performed via ESM” - this sentence does not make sense…this is not the English that I know…
Question: Can technicians access my PC at any time? - “with” near the end of the sentence should be replaced by “without” I believe…

at this time I have not discovered any other typo’s or grammatical errors…but I will say this…IT MAKES YOUR COMPANY LOOK VERY UNPROFESSIONAL AND VERY “MICKEY MOUSE” AS WE WOULD SAY IN NORTH AMERICA!..I cannot subscribe to any company that cannot proof-read their own documentation before it is put on the internet! How can you find and repair problems with my computer when you cannot find your own!

It comes from looking at programming code too much…it doesn’t always follow English grammatical standards. :stuck_out_tongue:

Please provide us with a screenshot and URL of the problem so that we may correct them. I realize you say homepage, but we operate several.