False Windows alert after update to 16.0 - "Comodo Dragon has encountered .."

Since updating to Comodo Dragon, I have a false Windows alert each time I open a web link from Thunderbird: “Comodo Dragon has encountered a problem and must close”.
This is a false alert, the link opens normally in Comodo Dragon, I just have to close the pop-up error message.

I can reproduce this error each time I open a link from Thunderbird.

I did not have this issue with Comodo Dragon 15.0 and have not made any change but updating.

I am running Windows XP.

Thank you for your help.


Please supply the information mentioned in this thread:
How to Submit Bug Reports (read this if you want them fixed)

Specific symptoms of the bug and steps you can take to reproduce it : From my Thunderbird mailbox, I double click on a link within a message received . A popup message appears on my screen indicating (translation from French) “Comodo Dragon has encountered a problem and must close, do you want to report the issue to Microsoft” but the link opens normally in CD. I just have to close the Windows alert. I reproduce this each time I open a link from Thunderbird. I do not receive this alert if I open the same link directly from my Gmail account online.
Comodo Dragon Version: Dragon (Stable)
Plugins/Themes installed in Comodo Dragon: RealNetworks, Chrome Toolbox, Shockwave Flash, Default theme
Windows XP SP 3 (32-bit)
System Drive where Windows is installed: C:
Place (installation path) where Comodo Dragon is installed: C:\Program Files\COMODO\Dragon
User privileges : administrator

It’s no inconvenience, just a niggle as I have the same issue but with outlook, otherwise flawless :slight_smile:

Is this issue still present with the recent update, Version

had the same issue with opening links it is gone after update thanks :slight_smile:

Is this issue still present with the recent update, Version Thanks.


Fixed with 16.1 update, thanks!

Glad to hear all is fixed.
V16.1.1.0 is running very well.