False Positive

False positive - reported as phishing - happyatom.com

Site had been hacked. All files deleted and clean install. Flagged urls no longer exist.

Please remove from your database.



Hello happyatom,

Thank you for reporting this, we’ll check it.

Best regards,

Hello again,

This has been fixed.

Best regards,

Thanks for the speedy action Florin - any idea how long this will take to clear as I am still getting flagged by Valkyrie Verdict on Virus Total (I also posted in that forum about a week ago but no response):

The VV report still refers to phishing URLs that no longer exist:

thanks so much for your help

best wishes

Hello happyatom,

I don’t how much time is needed for the changes to get reflected on VT, but I’m guessing it should be visible in a few hours max.

Best regards,

Ok, thanks Florin

Valkyrie updated!!

Many thanks again

I don’t believe this!

Valkyrie Verdict has now gone back to the “Phishing” categorization

What can I do???

The site is clean; the URL in the VV report:

1 - doesn’t exist - returns 404
2 - is http when happyatom has a valid SSL and all urls are redirected to https

I have spent years working on a business that I now cannot launch because who will buy from a phishing site.

Please help!


What is the website you are checking the verdict on? Is it verdict.valkyrie.comodo.com or virustotal.com?

Virus Total is reporting VV result as phishing:

And looking at the VV report, it is showing phishing URLs that don’t exist:

Of the other 2 sites with issues
AlphaMountain is showing as “Not Recommended” because they are looking at the Comodo VV result.
Forcepoint are impossible to communicate with, so I am struggling to change their “Suspicious”

Thank you - all fixed now: