False positive? Dawn of Discovery/Anno 1404.

Hello, I’m new ;D

I’m sure this is a false positive:

C:\Games\Dawn of Discovery\tools\Benchmark.exe TrojWare.Win32.TrojanDownloader.Hmir.~JH1@102088534

I’ve scanned it manually with Avast, Housecall and Comodo itself. Did full system scans too. I’ve used VirusTotal.com and VirSCAN.org. Nothing. But, the Comodo Realtime scanner doesn’t like it.

I submitted on Sunday evening, I believe. Just thought I’d post and see if someone could verify this for me (one way or the other).

Moving over to FP board…

Hi skycutter,

If you can find the FP file,you can submit through this link:Comodo Firewall | Get Best Personal Firewall Software for $29.99 A Year we can go to have a look at it.

Thanks and Regards,

First, my apologies for originally posting on the wrong board.

Second, I wasn’t able to upload the file to: Comodo Firewall | Get Best Personal Firewall Software for $29.99 A Year

Kept getting a server error message.

Hello skycutter,

Please try sending it to falsepositive@avlab.comodo.com as an attachment so we can check it out.

Best regards,

File emailed successfully.

EDIT: Actually it didn’t. I got a failure message from:


I’m at a loss. I don’t know what to do now. As I said earlier, I did submit it through the “Submit Suspicious Files” option in CIS on Sunday, I believe.

Hello skycutter,

We received the file. We’ll be back with an answer soon.

Best regards,

Hi skycutter,

This FP was fixed. Please check with DB 4494 and confirm it.


Excellent, it’s fixed! Thanks :smiley: