your comments are welcome.
i dont understand this website maybe u can help
The link is to a YouTube video page Melih has created called MelihVision, where he talks about PC security issues.
hell with all the bots roaming around it is under attack and there starting to look more legit just last night i befriended one cuse i thought they were real
yeah I’ve been noticing a lot of phishing scams with several apps for games that I play on Facebook. But the biggest issue I’m experiencing is the freaking out of the blue drop download that occurs when I click on some of the Facebook Ads. It’s getting really terrible and I hope Zuckerburg and his team solve this issue asap or else FB will be losing a lot of market share in the near future.
Melih, thanks for sharing that…and thanks for keeping us informed. :-TU
The last few days have seen the Profile Spy which has run rampant through Twitter. More (anti)social network mayhem :o
Slightly !ot!
And we mustn’t forget those lovely new friends that really want to get to know us, but just happen to be personas 8)
Do you get on a bike and just ride?..
Same scenario; do you just get on a computer and just surf the web?..
People’s unwillingness to learn about computer basics is why we have such problems… it will take you only about 1 month to learn the basics from Security, to Stability, to Simple Technologies, and to build great senses while surfing and using the computer…
I believe Antivirus companies don’t want to invest such prevention that comodo philosophizes in is because they’ll loose their money… We all know that there are virus’s out there… and about 25K a day/week are created… We can’t build this database to contain them all… It’s common sense… Antivirus’s are dead, gone, history I would love for someone to dig up some information on why AV’s are good(Currently, I mean face it; they were good when maybe <500 Virus’s were roaming the web but now when there are trillions?)… The philosophy behind CIS (Without AV) is a almost perfect; we need to start creating and applying philosphies that we have about verification and authentication techniques… IF we take all the money that we are using/investing for Antivirus’s and put it towards prevention, authentication, verification AND most importantly Education; then we could have that so call “Trust Online” but… It’s tough to do because no one is leading the way to do so; I think Comodo just twisted the knob of the door to “trust online” but they need help from other companies and other organizations and other programist’s and most importantly other " ‘educated’ philosophers" to push the door open…
It was Facebook’s Fault that this attack did such damage, (I’m not saying that it’s Facebook’s fault completely) but they have to step up their focus on security (bold term)…)…
(No harm / no foul )
Kind regards
Actually that’s pretty much how everyone starts.
Same scenario; do you just get on a computer and just surf the web?...
Sadly, about 99% of people do just that. They usually only gain an awareness of the importance of system security after the fact.
People's unwillingness to learn about computer basics is why we have such problems...
IMHO, it’s not unwillingness, it’s blissful ignorance. They don’t know they need to know anything about security - most systems come with some security or other pre-installed and they just rely on it or don’t even know it’s there.
Like driving, cars come with a pile of technology built in, but drivers generally only feel the need to know how to drive, not how it works.
I believe that sadly many users don’t want to learn about security not even the functioning of their OS. They don’t know and don’t want to know about control panel, services, processes, ports, …They don’t want to be bothered with security alerts and should one arise they don’t understand what it means. All there are interested in is googling, chatting, sharing, gaming, video streaming, facebooking, downloading funny stuffs and softwares,etc.
Recently I have installed CIS on the laptop of a friend. I was amazed, Vista and of course the softwares had not been updated for 1,5 year and the AV had been out of trial for ages! And I’m ready to bet that it’ll be the same in a few months time. And it is just one recent case among others I’ve encountered.
When I talk about internet security to friends, they don’t listen. It’s simply boring them.
So unless all countries in the world request users to prove a minimal knowledge before obtaining internet access, and needless to say I wonder how to implement that, trust online will be a dream.
Actually that's pretty much how everyone starts.
Sadly, about 99% of people do just that. They usually only gain an awareness of the importance of system security after the fact.
IMHO, it's not unwillingness, it's blissful ignorance. They don't know they need to know anything about security - most systems come with some security or other pre-installed and they just rely on it or don't even know it's there.Eh, I would say it's both then if you put it that way; I'm not saying they should become Network Security Administrators, or Data Security Analyst before using the internet;
Like driving, cars come with a pile of technology built in, but drivers generally only feel the need to know how to drive, not how it works.Well, I like that metaphor; I could use that in the next public speaking i have :P
I’ll probably add more once i wake up
When I talk about internet security to friends, they don't listen. It's simply boring them.Well, (Nerdy Voice Enabled) [i]Well if you cannot get to the internet did you check your DHCP is running, well i think by prestiges calculation you might wanna open cmd and enter ipconfig possibly ipconfig with the renew syntax, but also you might want to check your TCP/IP Network Configuration Settings with ncpa.cpl don't forget you could Enabled APIPA of course means automatic private internet protocol Addressing but who gives the 7 layers of OSI"[/i]
Well, I have to admitt that i do find my self talking to people like the above (not exact)… but it’s just common sense again…
If you are talking about computers to a Auto Technician (Car Technician) then he won’t know a lick of what you are saying… if you are talking to a Auto Technician about The difference between a big block and a small block then he’ll probably say some words where you have to google …
I know it’s a completely different industry, but It’s just the basics i wish someone would teach everyone… or heck even require to be tought before using the internet, like Facebook… Billions of users; why can’t facebook start up a quiz before you can even signup you must at least get a 80% on a quiz that they make you study…
See; It’s the unwilling-ness of us Techs to teach, because thats our business also… if they don’t know and something breaks its us that they go to; so why would want to stop taking money?..
We lost sight of who we’re helping here… we’re supposed to care about the users and end-users…
No no Jacob. I was meaning talking about elementary security things. I just try to explain them that internet is not a secure place and they must be cautious and use security softwares. I try to make them aware of the different sources of attacks and of the basic functioning of security softwares and the need to make system images. But really, they don’t feel concerned and think that with only an AV, not even updated, they are under some sort of silent umbrella. Look I can connect on the wifi of several neighbours, even that they don’t care to secure.
I have Mozilla firefox & it too would not let me view my Gmail nor my facebook account.
So a friend of mine recommended Comodo Dragon. I downloaded Comodo Dragon &
Comodo also will not let me log into my Gmail nor my facebook accounts. I have a hard time
believing that a large conglomerate like Google would not have a security certificate.
& facebook same deal, I would think as big as facebook is why they would not have a security certificate.
I could use some suggestions to what to do so I can log into my accounts without interference.
This is an interesting article…
Facebook-- Pied Piper of the New World Order’s technological control grid
Even I was noticing many corrupted pages in facebook. When I was accessing the apps in facebook, some virus came against my computer. >:-D
If it matters Facebook connects with AVAST to protect users
Facebook causes depression, I can link you #MD PhD
Facebook is called Fap-book by the kids I have been told.
Facebook will allways be a “target” for attack of menny reasons they give away info to a third party “advertisers”
…They are also pretty sloppy about vetting their ads, which could result in you clicking on an anti-virus software ad and downloading an actual virus.
Scammers makes fake facebook profiles…
Each time Facebook touts a re-design or a new format, you can bet your last nickel that it’s being done as an excuse to re-set your privacy controls to a Facebook-designated default that lets the site’s owners peddle your info and activities far and wide. Thats is my thougts so far…
Menny reasons to crash facebook ;D nobody realy needs it… Its like an drug wary addictive… I know persons who will get deppressed if they cant use facebook for a day…
I find facebook to be somewhat of a paradox because it is in essence a breach of privacy which is something when using the internet you are intended to protect. :o