extended view???

Hi guys!
Is there a possebillity to solve the ip-adresses to dns names in the application monitor? and how can I see how much speed each application is using at the moment. (Like Agnitum Outpost, but a changed to comodo because of its better ressource managment)

thanx schami (:WIN)

Welcome to the forums, schami (:WAV)

I do believe both these things have been added to the CPF Wishlist: https://forums.comodo.com/index.php/topic,4612.0.html - somewhere in there… :wink:

It is not currently available, but I know others have talked about it, and that would certainly be nice to have (provided it doesn’t bloat the product…).

Comodo is very diligent about monitoring these user requests, and making every effort to incorporate the ideas into future versions. Doesn’t always happen on our timetable, but there you go…