Explanation of why CMF fails some buffer overflow tests

There have been other topics in which the question of why CMF fails some buffer overflow tests is asked. While Tyler Durden has stated that the exact operation of CMF is a secret, he has stated that CMF uses hooks. Here is an interesting article titled ‘Bypassing 3rd Party Windows Buffer Overflow Protection’ (http://kd7yhr.org/bushbo/misc/phrack/phrack62/p62-0x05_Bypassing_Win_BufferOverflow_Protection.txt) that discusses how some buffer overflow protection products work. Please note that the article discusses stack backtracing, which Tyler Durden has stated CMF does not use. However, other insights from the article may be valuable. I believe that the reason CMF fails some buffer overflow tests is that CMF detects buffer overflow only when hooked Windows API calls from the shellcode are used. If I am mistaken, Mr. Durden, please correct me.

The full text of the article can be found at QODS ec: PHRACK: Bypassing 3rd Party Windows Buffer Overflow Protection. The link I gave in the previous post was missing the beginning.


Reason: Out-Dated post.
