Exclusion for sandbox

I’m using some IDEs (Pascal, Delphi, Visual Express, Qt) and every time when I compile program (.exe) appears CIS alert that application has been sanboxed as Partialy limited (and it crashes if I didn’t press “don’t isolate again” button).

Is it possible to add folder to exclusion for sandbox/CIS?

I tried this, but it works only with Qt:


Try giving the compilers the Installer/Updater policy. Then all applications it will start will be trusted and won’t get sandboxed.

After you made the rules for your compilers drag and drop them to a place somewhere above a rule called “All Applications”.

You may find some useful tips in this FAQ topic: How to use Visual Studio debugger with CIS [v5].

You are showing the Exclusions for buffer overflow protection. Putting a file there does not prevent it from getting sandboxed again.

Moving to the D+/Sandbox help board.

Try giving the compilers the Installer/Updater policy. Then all applications it will start will be trusted and won't get sandboxed. After you made the rules for your compilers drag and drop them to a place somewhere above a rule called "All Applications".

Nothing has changed.


In Visual Studio it is not strongly interfere, but in Pascal and Delphi it crashes application and appears every time I changed something in code and compile it.

What is crashing? Pascal or Delphi or the application you are compiling?

See if adding the Pascal and Delphi executables (or the complete installation folders) to the shell code exclusions helps.

application, which i’m compiling.

See if adding the Pascal and Delphi executables (or the complete installation folders) to the shell code exclusions helps.
hm. Tried to add IDE folder (not projects folder) — now everything ok. Thank you :) [URL=http://hostingkartinok.com/show-image.php?id=bb9341bbf016f36f3140963a3361e3bc] http://hostingkartinok.com/thumb/01201109/bb9341bbf016f36f3140963a3361e3bc.png [/URL]

Glad it worked out. :slight_smile: