Error: Could not load cmfres.dll [RESOLVED]

Hello guys,
I’m stuck with missing cmfres.dll. Cannot reinstall or uninstall due to missing dll. My version is
I don’t use systemRestore so I can’t roll back.

Out of curiousity, why does this happen?? I first installed successfully then it said drivers are not installed so I uninstalled CMF and reinstalled and this problem occured. On the background I had Comodo Anti-malware (CBO), Kaspersky Internet Security 2009, RemoveIt Enterprise 4.0. It seems I’m not the only one?? When I looked at other topics some others had same problem.

Help would be really appreciated.

Hey there and welcome to the forums (:HUG),

You could try this link, it should give you an uncorrupted version.

If any other problems occur, or the file doesn’t help you don’t hesitate to ask for help


Hey Xan,
Thanks for the warm welcome (:LGH)
Yeah it worked great. Finally able to reinstall and do uninstall. I’m going to keep the cmfres.dll in my other folder just in case. You have a nice day!
Tony. (:KWL)
