ERROR: Could not load C:\Program Files\Comodo\Memory Firewall\cmfres.dll

Hi Guru’s

I am having problems with Comodo Memory Firewall. I’m running Vista x64 Premium Home.

When trying to run CMF, I get the cmfres.dll error. Google is bare … so are the search results on the Comodo Forums.

I have tried to uninstall via Windows Control Panel and also via Start > All Programs > COMODO > Memory Firewall > Uninstall. Neither works! It can’t uninstall CMF as it can’t find the cmfres.dll.

What are my options?



I’m having same issue


I had this problem using versions before I can provide you with a cmfres.dll file, which you can drop into your Comodo CMF folder. This should then restore CMF so you can uninstall, run, update etc.

Which version are you currently running?


I’m running didn’t know it had updated. No worry here I grabbed a copy from my backup image just letting you know there is a repeatable problem.

I saved a copy of the version of the file also; if someone needs it I can E-mail it to them.

Gday again,

The version I am trying to install/uninstall is

Even trying to re-install it over itself produces this error.

I’d really like to try this product out, as I use the comodo firewall and its a very good product.

Thanks for the replies.

Hi Gurus

I have resolved this issue, sort of, anyway. This is what I did:

I performed System Restore to immediately before CMF installation.

Booted into Safe Mode and installed CMF. Proceeded fine, but, it ended with an error that it couldnt start up in safe mode.

Copied cmfres.dll into handy place in case the problem occurs again.

Rebooted normally into Vista.

CMF is there except now, I get:

Driver not active! Please reinstall product.

So its back to trawling for answers to this new issue.

Thanks for your interest

Try to uninstall from safe mode and then reinstall in normal mode to resolve issue.

hi i just downloaded the comodo memory firewall on my xp home edition s,pk 2 but it keeps showing ERROR COULD NOT LOAD C:\ PROGRAM FILES\COMODO\MEMORY FIREWALL\CMFRES.DLL an now it wont let me unistall the the program… is there any thing that i can do??


I’m using xp sp2 x32. Here is file you mentioned from mine CMF’ directory. Try to unpack archive and move .dll file to your CMF directory, then reboot etc. Make backup of your old file before replacing it just in case.

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