Error Code 8801: Insufficient Space To Install Protect System

I apologize in advance for cross posting from the help section of the forum

but is it true that this installation error is a known reoccurring problem that was originally fixed in the beta but will be addressed in the next release?

hi, cmonster67

Thank you for feedback. We are looking into the issue and it will be fixed in next release.

Best Regards,

I used the latest “client_setup_2.6.138262.166.exe” and have the same error.

Any workaround known?

I do NOT suggest any workaround.
If you have few disk space (i.e., less than 10Gb free) I won’t install CTM at all. You’ll got trouble.
How much free space do you have? How many partitions in the disk?

Next release will fix the problem. Thanks.

Which is the problem?

In some environment (I only reproduce it in win7), install will fail with the tips “Error Code 8801: Insufficient Space To Install Protect System” when system restarts.

This problem will be fixed in next release.

Thanks Septem. Does not seem to be related with the catastrophes on installing/uninstalling CTM and losing MBR and so on…

No, it won’t. This problem just make CTM not install. You will start system without CTM installed.


We have fixed this bug in new beta release!

Thanks & Regards

Windows 7 Ultimate - Primary Partition is Very Large

Getting this error: error code 8801 insufficient space to install protect system

I downloaded the Release Date: July 26, 2010 which is giving this error. Any word on a stable release for this fix? Thanks!

Please download the latest version(2.9.161985.187) from here:

Thank you for the link, Flykite.
After reinstalling TM from client_setup_2.8.155286.178 (dual boot Win 7 Ultimate 64bit and XP Professional 32bit SP3 ), I got the 8801 Error, although there are several 100 GB free. The 2.9 Version is a beta, and I am somewhat reluctant to install that, especially given the explicit warning about possible data loss during installation of that version of TM. When will a production version without the bug be available? Or am I overly nervous about the beta?

When will a production version without the bug be available?
Not sure, it may take a long time.
Or am I overly nervous about the beta?
Yes, the 2.9 beta has been very stable.