Error adding ...Avast 4\Setup\avast.setup file

Error adding C:\Program Files\Avast 4\Setup\avast.setup
to safe files: 5

Now new installed Comodo Firewall icant add avast
file to safe files, i try do it many times.

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Your firewall didn’t pass the test and transmitted information to our website.
You typed: Comodo Firewall

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But i have Comodo v.
What is wrong configuration, only test two nothing happens.

What happened Comodo Firewall click waiting for your review,
note parameter no unfit, that was my language.

Then Comodo was broken, i get only open
my pending files. Main screen not open.
Uninstall Comodo and re-installed.

Avast error

Sorry if the image was not shown


Hi everybody!

I have exactly the same problem! Don’t know what to do…

thus anybody knows?


ps: same version of Comodo and i have the avast! version 4.7 Home Edition

McGyver and JSL, Hi :

When I nstalled COMODO I had the same problem, and still, but My Pending Files, only works with executables files *.exe, *.dll, etc… so if you look closer when you update the database definition of Avast! it always appear avast.setup file, I’m not sure but to me, that file it’s a sort of a log file, something like that. I didn’t dig up further, so relax, everything is fine, so that why appears that error.

So you can sleep quiet hehehehe



Thanks very much, MiguelAngelXP!
