Error 59 on second incremental

When I’m trying to take a second incremental backup (with another incremental backup as previous file) the the backup always fails with code 59 (corrupted backup).
Though there are two different cases in the log files; “An error occurred while reading backup information” and “Cannot process item because a read error occurred.” (after about 30 min, but before the log says processing files).

I’m using the command line interface with the following:

"C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO BackUp\CBU.exe"/backup_operation /SilentRun /type filesandfolders /destinationtype 1 /destinationpath "\\backup\UserBackup\Comodo\HEBS\HEBS_20110902_1141_incr.cbu" /log_file "\\backup\UserBackup\Comodo\HEBS\HEBS_20110902_1141_incr.log" /log_method "create" /backup_type incremental /parent_backup_storage_type 1 /parent_backup_path "\\backup\UserBackup\Comodo\HEBS\HEBS_20110901_1140_incr.cbu" /source "C:\|D:\Comodo" /exclusionfilter "*.tmp|*.mp3|*.wma|*.acc|*.m4a|*.avi|*.wmv|*.ipa|*.vhd|hiberfil.sys|pagefile.sys|*.mdf|*.ldf|*.ndf" /compressionlevel low /diskusage high /processorusage normal  

The backup is located on a network share, but I couldn’t even create a log file if the /destinationtype was Network.

The full backup and first incremental works without any troubles, so I hope any of you can help me with the problem above.

Thank you in advance

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Error 59 on incremental backups was fixed in 4.0 version.
This version is available here.

If error still exists, you may have to recreate the parent backups.



I tried installing the version you linked to, but now it fails creating the first incremental backup.
Once I got an error 255, but can’t find the description anywhere other times the application crashed with a Windows error box.

I’ve attached the new log file.

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