Error 1603 whike installing CIS

Hi, recently I upgraded my wife desktop from XP to Win 7, every thing went fine and a windows old copy was created by the Windows installer. I had my Windows in Spanish and after install the Win 7 version I downloaded the Spanish language package and used it as a default, in the meantime I downloaded the CIS latest version and proceeded to install it, after Geek buddy and Chromodo installs the installer gets to a 99 % the desktop shortcut is created and suddenly it disappears and a error 1603 message appears telling m there was a fatal error during install and after accept it the error message disappears and of course there is no CIS anywhere around, I have done the install uninstall procedure and tried to talk to the “free” support but sorry to say this person just wanted to sell me the CIS paid package which I can not afford at this time as we live in Venezuela and we have a lot of problems acquiring foreign money.

So there it is, I have been an old COMODO user and has recommended it to my friends but really it is disappointing at this time finding this error-
I still want to continue using CIS but if I am not able to install it I will have to look to another approach and I will be very sad if I have to do this-

Best regards and hoping someone gives me a solution.


Does the following solution work for you:

EricJH Yeaaaaa that was it, no Geek Buddy, no encrypted folder not a removable drive or else, just a simple change in the local settings and have just finished installing CIS and it is updating the Data Base , what I do not understand is why COMODO people have not removed that bug, as you said, I am sure many users out there are suffering the same as I did through a week of install and un-installs and COMODO cleaning and the good friend at Geek Buddy who was not able to give me a simple way to install CIS, anyway no one is perfect and I assume you investigated a lot to get to that solution.

Thanks again and live long and prosper.


I have been trying to install the current version for the last 3 days to no avail. The machine I want to install it on runs Vista x32. Almost every time the install process reaches 67% and then hangs. Even after several hours it does not budge and cancelling the process doesn’t work either. I am forced to kill the install process using task manager.

I attempted the suggested work around with localization but that made no difference. Prior to trying that, twice I got to the famous 99% and then got the 1603 error.

In desperation, I attempted to install v7.0.53315.4132 but that too hung at 67%.

Not sure what to do now other than changing my anti-virus solution?