Error 110 CIS 2013 [SOLVED]


I have just downloaded the new Comodo Internet Security Premium 2013 (v6.0) and get the following error during install:

Connot Install COMODO Internet Security
Error: 110. The system cannot open the device or file specified.

I have run this as an administrator but it fails every time.

I’m running Windows 8 Pro (64bit) with 8gb ram.

Please help.



Please try following the advice I give in this post and see if it helps.

Please let me know whether it works after following that advice. Thank you.

Can you see in the installer screen at what file or device cannot be accessed?

@Chiron None of the above worked.

@EricJH All I can see is what’s in may screenshot above and here:


Can you start device manager “elevated” as per step 7 in Chiron’s guide?

To start elevated start the command prompt and execute the following two commands:
set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1
start devmgmt.msc

With device manager open go to View and set to Show Hidden Devices. Now look under Non Plug and Play drivers. Could you show a screenshot of Device Manager at this point? When you see entries for Comodo Internet Security please remove them. Reboot when required (you can postpone reboot until all traces of Comodo Internet Security are removed).


I skipped this part because the ‘Devmgr_Show_NonPresent_Devices=1’ environment variable has no effect because the Non-Plug and Play Drivers/hidden devices option was removed from Windows 8 Features and configuration options removed in Windows 8.

From my Event Log (in reverse order from install to the error at 32% of the installer):

Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: COMODO Internet Security. Product Version: 6.0.64131.2674. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: COMODO Security Solutions Inc… Installation success or error status: 0.

Beginning a Windows Installer transaction: C:\ProgramData\Comodo\Installer\cis_setup_x64.msi. Client Process Id: 4088.

Ending a Windows Installer transaction: C:\ProgramData\Comodo\Installer\cis_setup_x64.msi. Client Process Id: 4088.

Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: COMODO Internet Security. Product Version: 6.0.64131.2674. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: COMODO Security Solutions Inc… Installation success or error status: 0.

Beginning a Windows Installer transaction: C:\ProgramData\Comodo\Installer\cis_setup_x64.msi. Client Process Id: 3584.

Last Entry: Ending a Windows Installer transaction: C:\ProgramData\Comodo\Installer\cis_setup_x64.msi. Client Process Id: 3584.

Thanks for the interesting read on the what’s new and what has left Win 8.

Did you have a previous installation of CIS installed when installing v6? Did a previous installation get uninstalled?

After uninstalling CIS can you check the Properties of your network adapter(s) and see if the Comodo Firewall driver is still present. If so please uninstall it from the Properties dialogue.

As always. Make sure that left overs of previously installed security programs are no longer around by removing possible left overs with cleanup tools of those programs. Leftovers can cause all sort of strange results A list of such tools can be found here: ESET Knowledgebase .

I’ve only ever used Comodo. I uninstalled V5 (using it’s own uninstaller and running the clean up tool) before installing V6. I also attempted to reinstall V5 and was greeted with the same error message, again at 32% during the install.

Edit: No Comodo drivers in my Network Adapter Properties.

I ran the cleaners this morning and I have used 4 different registry cleaners and done a manual clean-up.

It seems like a permission problem. Nothing is encrypted (EFS) and I have no issues installing anything else. .MSI file are fine. Seems weird I can’t reinstall V5. All I can think of is that there maybe some registry entries that have been set to read only.

Thanks for the help so far.

The following is a long shot but I want to make sure it was tried. For problems with Windows installer you can use Windows Installer Clean Up utility. This tool cleans up all Windows installer related traces from your computer. It will allow you to run an (un)installer where it was getting blocked because it couldn’t find a needed file or says the products is already installed.

This tool does not uninstall a program.

This was another option I tried this morning. As you can see, no Comodo product is listed. I’ve tried most things. Spent most of the day trying to fix this problem.

Thanks again.


Error 110 of Windows installer is a tough cookie. Googling is not very informative… :-\

Agreed. I think I have tried most of the fixes. Though this part of the error message The system cannot open the device or file specified does mention a lot about permission issues or an encrypted Temp folder. My temp folder has never been encrypted and I don’t have any issues installing anything else.

I know it must be something on my PC (hence again thinking it’s a permission issues) as there are really no mentions of this error installing CIS, only on some Comodo Antivirus definition updates. But all my general windows permissions allow me to install anything. Even if I create a new user, It won’t install. I even went to the length of creating a new user and installing, creating a new user and copying my windows profile (which took ages) to the new user account and it still failed, so that only leaves the registry.

So at this stage, I’m kind of stumped.

Make that two of us… :-\

On a side note. Even though the “elevation” for Device Manager in Wn8 is no longer working. It may still show Non Plug and Play drivers. See image for two drivers of Super Anti Spyware.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Maybe these logs will help:

Log started: 12/12/21 02:36:08
Command line: “C:\Users\Knight\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000\cmdinstall.exe” -log -setupname “cispremium_installer.exe” -mode “cispremium” -type “alone” -sfx “C:\Users\Knight\Desktop” -elevated
App version: 6.0.260739.2674
Memory: Total 4095 mb, Free 4095 mb
Disks: C (820054 mb) D (729547 mb) J (228964 mb)

[3132] 2:36:8 ComodoInstaller.cpp:744 >> partner name: Comodo
[3132] 2:36:8 ComodoInstallerCheck.cpp:99 >> Check x86/x64 system
[3132] 2:36:8 ComodoInstallerCheck.cpp:115 >> IsWow64Process said process is running under WOW64
[3132] 2:36:8 ComodoInstallerCheck.cpp:132 >> Also test GetNativeSystemInfo: its said Processor Architecture is PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64
[3132] 2:36:8 ComodoInstallerCheck.cpp:173 >> Platform: Min(2) Maj(6) Type(1) Metr(0) Build(9200) SpMaj(0) SpMin(0) Suite(256) Ver()
[3132] 2:36:8 ComodoInstallerCheck.cpp:236 >> Platform: 272512
[3132] 2:36:8 tools\RegTools.cpp:32 >> Cannot open key ‘SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall{963236D9-AB2B-4baf-B1F8-CF5BBD988268}’: 2, 0
[3132] 2:36:8 skin\InstallerSkin.cpp:38 >> External theme defined, but cannot be applied: 0
[3132] 2:36:8 tools\RegTools.cpp:389 >> Cannot read binary value from ‘LicenseKey’: 2, 0
[3132] 2:36:8 tools\RegTools.cpp:389 >> Cannot read binary value from ‘SubscriptionID’: 2, 2
[3132] 2:36:8 tools\RegTools.cpp:389 >> Cannot read binary value from ‘WarrMode’: 2, 2
[3132] 2:36:8 tools\RegTools.cpp:244 >> Cannot read dword value from ‘AutoKey’: 2, 2
[3132] 2:36:8 tools\RegTools.cpp:244 >> Cannot read dword value from ‘KnownCamUser’: 2, 2
[3132] 2:36:8 tools\RegTools.cpp:389 >> Cannot read binary value from ‘Countdown end’: 2, 2
[3132] 2:36:8 tools\RegTools.cpp:32 >> Cannot open key ‘SYSTEM\Software\COMODO\Firewall Pro\Configurations’: 2, 2
[3132] 2:36:8 ComodoInstallerLang.cpp:127 >> 4 languages loaded
[3132] 2:36:8 ComodoInstallerLang.cpp:134 >> User default language 0809
[3132] 2:36:8 ComodoInstallerLang.cpp:70 >> Applying language 1033
[3132] 2:36:48 tools\RegTools.cpp:32 >> Cannot open key ‘SYSTEM\Software\Comodo\Firewall Pro\Configurations’: 2, 0
[3132] 2:36:48 tools\RegTools.cpp:32 >> Cannot open key ‘SOFTWARE\ComodoGroup\CDI\1’: 2, 2
[3132] 2:36:48 network\SaspCommunication.cpp:160 >> Starting SASP signature
[3132] 2:36:48 network\SaspCommunication.cpp:92 >> Starting check internet, resolving addresses …
[3132] 2:36:48 network\SaspCommunication.cpp:154 >> Internet checking result: 1
[3132] 2:36:48 network\SaspCommunication.cpp:204 >> SASP data. Affiliate: Comodo. Product: cispremium_installer_x64 (cispremiuminstallerx64), code: 5. Windows language: English,UnitedKingdom. User language: English,UnitedStates (1033). PC ID: C6C4EA12CCEEDB42A50E4FA0E55F04DD. Version: 6.0.260739.2674. Platform: 25/64
[3132] 2:36:49 network\SaspCommunication.cpp:493 >> Request status is 200
[3132] 2:36:49 network\SaspCommunication.cpp:493 >> Request status is 200
[3132] 2:36:49 network\SaspCommunication.cpp:493 >> Request status is 200
[3132] 2:36:49 network\SaspCommunication.cpp:289 >> SASP request 0: 1 →!PlaceOrder?emailAddress=&1_PPP=295&licenceCode=cispremiuminstallerx64_English,UnitedKingdom/English,UnitedStates_6.0.260739.2674_C6C4EA12CCEEDB42A50E4FA0E55F04DD&ap=Comodo&optInToMailingList=N
[3132] 2:36:49 network\SaspCommunication.cpp:289 >> SASP request 1: 1 →!PlaceOrder?emailAddress=&1_PPP=296&licenceCode=cispremiuminstallerx64_English,UnitedKingdom/English,UnitedStates_6.0.260739.2674_C6C4EA12CCEEDB42A50E4FA0E55F04DD&ap=Comodo&optInToMailingList=N
[3132] 2:36:49 network\SaspCommunication.cpp:289 >> SASP request 2: 1 →
[3132] 2:36:54 ui\sheet_installing\PageCustomTabApps.cpp:246 >> User selects to download av
[3132] 2:36:54 ui\sheet_installing\PageCustomTabApps.cpp:251 >> User selects to download fw
[3132] 2:36:56 tools\RegTools.cpp:244 >> Cannot read dword value from ‘mode’: 2, 0
[3132] 2:36:56 apps\CisApplication.cpp:46 >> CisFeature (av = 1, fw = 0) installed: 0
[3132] 2:36:56 tools\RegTools.cpp:244 >> Cannot read dword value from ‘mode’: 2, 2
[3132] 2:36:56 apps\CisApplication.cpp:46 >> CisFeature (av = 0, fw = 1) installed: 0
[3132] 2:36:56 tools\RegTools.cpp:32 >> Cannot open key ‘SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall{963236D9-AB2B-4baf-B1F8-CF5BBD988268}’: 2, 2
[3132] 2:36:56 tools\Tools.cpp:943 >> Cant set owner for object (C:\ProgramData\Comodo Downloader\cis\download\installs\xml_binaries\silverlight\silverlight_x64.exe): 0
[3132] 2:36:56 tools\Tools.cpp:943 >> Cant set owner for object (C:\ProgramData\Comodo Downloader\cis\download\installs\xml_binaries\killswitch_cce\cks_cce_x64.7z): 3
[3132] 2:36:56 tools\Tools.cpp:943 >> Cant set owner for object (C:\ProgramData\Comodo Downloader\cis\download\installs\xml_binaries\killswitch_cce\cks_cce_x64.7z): 3
[3132] 2:36:56 tools\Tools.cpp:943 >> Cant set owner for object (C:\ProgramData\Comodo Downloader\cis\download\installs\xml_binaries\crd\crd.iso): 3
[3132] 2:36:56 tools\Tools.cpp:943 >> Cant set owner for object (C:\ProgramData\Comodo Downloader\cis\download\installs\xml_binaries\trustconnect\comodotrustconnectclient.msi): 3
[3132] 2:36:57 tools\Tools.cpp:943 >> Cant set owner for object (C:\ProgramData\Comodo Downloader\cis\download\installs\xml_binaries\cob\cob_setup.exe): 3
[3132] 2:36:58 tools\RegTools.cpp:32 >> Cannot open key ‘SYSTEM\Software\COMODO\Firewall Pro\Configurations’: 2, 0
[3132] 2:36:58 apps\CisApplication.cpp:443 >> CIS installed: 0
[3132] 2:36:58 ui\sheet_installing\PageProgressInstallation.cpp:98 >> Start installing COMODO Internet Security
[3132] 2:36:58 tools\RegTools.cpp:506 >> Cannot delete value ‘SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run’ - ‘Comodo Installer Cleanup’: 2, 0
[3132] 2:36:58 apps\CisApplication.cpp:597 >> Copying source msi from ‘C:\ProgramData\Comodo Downloader\cis\download\installs\xml_binaries\cis\cis_setup_x64.msi’ to ‘C:\ProgramData\Comodo\Installer\cis_setup_x64.msi’
[3132] 2:36:58 apps\CisApplication.cpp:604 >> Dest file exists. Clear attributes: 1, 183
[3132] 2:36:58 apps\CisApplication.cpp:608 >> File copied: 1, 0
[3132] 2:36:58 tools\Tools.cpp:737 >> Cant extract 7z, error 1006
[3132] 2:36:58 apps\CisApplication.cpp:737 >> Setup ‘C:\ProgramData\Comodo\Installer\cis_setup_x64.msi’ - ‘EXECUTEACTION=INSTALL REBOOT=ReallySuppress RESTOREACTIVECONFIG=1 WEBINSTALL=1 CIS_LANGUAGE_NAME=“English (United States) - By COMODO” CIS_LANGUAGE_ID=1033 INSTALLER_MODE=cispremium PRODUCT_TYPE=cispremium_installer_x64 WEB_USER_SIGNATURE=“Comodo” INSTALLDIR=“C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security” SETOURDNSSERVER=2 HIDE_SECURITY_ALERTS=1 FWFEATURES=1 CLOUD_ANALYSE=0 AFFILIATE_CAN_DOWNGRADE=1 IS_INSTALLER_MODE_IS_FREE=1 WEB_PRECONFIG_FW=1 WEB_PRECONFIG_AV=1 WEB_EULA_PATH=“C:\Users\Knight\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000\cis\download\installs\installer_data\eula\eula_cisfree.rtf” ASKUSEREMAIL=0 WEBINSTALL=1’ started
[3132] 2:36:58 apps\CisApplication.cpp:741 >> Setup ‘C:\ProgramData\Comodo\Installer\cis_setup_x64.msi’ returned 110
[3132] 2:36:58 apps\Application.cpp:362 >> Setup file (C:\ProgramData\Comodo\Installer\cis_setup_x64.msi) returned 110
[3132] 2:36:58 ui\sheet_installing\PageProgressInstallation.cpp:115 >> App installation result: 110, is code ok: 0
[3132] 2:39:5 ComodoInstallerLicense.cpp:127 >> Activation successful: 0, CIS installation: 0, Installation successful: 0
[3132] 2:39:5 ComodoInstaller.cpp:271 >> Installer’s exit code: 0

Log started: 12/12/21 02:36:05
Command line: “C:\Users\Knight\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000\cmdinstall.exe” -log -setupname “cispremium_installer.exe” -sfx “C:\Users\Knight\Desktop” -type alone -mode cispremium
App version: 6.0.260739.2674
Memory: Total 4095 mb, Free 4095 mb
Disks: C (820054 mb) D (729547 mb) J (228964 mb)

[8628] 2:36:5 ComodoInstaller.cpp:744 >> partner name: Comodo
[8628] 2:36:5 ComodoInstallerCheck.cpp:99 >> Check x86/x64 system
[8628] 2:36:5 ComodoInstallerCheck.cpp:115 >> IsWow64Process said process is running under WOW64
[8628] 2:36:5 ComodoInstallerCheck.cpp:132 >> Also test GetNativeSystemInfo: its said Processor Architecture is PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64
[8628] 2:36:5 ComodoInstallerCheck.cpp:173 >> Platform: Min(2) Maj(6) Type(1) Metr(0) Build(9200) SpMaj(0) SpMin(0) Suite(256) Ver()
[8628] 2:36:5 ComodoInstallerCheck.cpp:236 >> Platform: 10368
[8628] 2:36:5 tools\RegTools.cpp:32 >> Cannot open key ‘SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall{963236D9-AB2B-4baf-B1F8-CF5BBD988268}’: 2, 0
[8628] 2:36:5 ComodoInstaller.cpp:617 >> Installer (‘C:\Users\Knight\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000\cmdinstall.exe’ - '-log -setupname “cispremium_installer.exe” -mode “cispremium” -type “alone” -sfx “C:\Users\Knight\Desktop” -elevated ') elevating
[8628] 2:39:5 ComodoInstaller.cpp:633 >> Elevated installer returned 0
[8628] 2:39:5 ComodoInstaller.cpp:271 >> Installer’s exit code: 0

=== Verbose logging started: 21/12/2012 02:36:58 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 5.00.9200.00 Calling process: C:\Users\Knight\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000\cmdinstall.exe ===
MSI (c) (3C:9C) [02:36:58:281]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (c) (3C:9C) [02:36:58:281]: Machine policy value ‘Debug’ is 0
MSI (c) (3C:9C) [02:36:58:281]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: C:\ProgramData\Comodo\Installer\cis_setup_x64.msi
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (c) (3C:9C) [02:36:58:282]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server.
MSI (c) (3C:9C) [02:36:58:282]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (3C:9C) [02:36:58:284]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (3C:9C) [02:36:58:284]: Attempting to enable all disabled privileges before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (3C:9C) [02:36:58:284]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (s) (70:B8) [02:36:58:297]: Running installation inside multi-package transaction C:\ProgramData\Comodo\Installer\cis_setup_x64.msi
MSI (s) (70:B8) [02:36:58:297]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (s) (70:CC) [02:36:58:301]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (s) (70:CC) [02:36:58:301]: Machine policy value ‘Debug’ is 0
MSI (s) (70:CC) [02:36:58:301]: ******* RunEngine:
******* Product: C:\ProgramData\Comodo\Installer\cis_setup_x64.msi
******* Action:
******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (s) (70:CC) [02:36:58:303]: Machine policy value ‘DisableUserInstalls’ is 0
MSI (s) (70:CC) [02:36:58:328]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (70:CC) [02:36:58:331]: SRSetRestorePoint skipped for this transaction.
MSI (s) (70:CC) [02:36:58:355]: Note: 1: 1309 2: 5 3: C:\ProgramData\Comodo\Installer\cis_setup_x64.msi
MSI (s) (70:CC) [02:36:58:356]: MainEngineThread is returning 110
MSI (s) (70:B8) [02:36:58:357]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
MSI (s) (70:B8) [02:36:58:358]: User policy value ‘DisableRollback’ is 0
MSI (s) (70:B8) [02:36:58:358]: Machine policy value ‘DisableRollback’ is 0
MSI (s) (70:B8) [02:36:58:358]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (s) (70:B8) [02:36:58:358]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
MSI (s) (70:B8) [02:36:58:358]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
MSI (s) (70:B8) [02:36:58:358]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (3C:9C) [02:36:58:360]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (3C:9C) [02:36:58:360]: MainEngineThread is returning 110
=== Verbose logging stopped: 21/12/2012 02:36:58 ===

I have two suggestions, long shots though.
Give Windows own clean up utility a run to remove temp remains of failed installs.

My second suggestion is to be done at your own risk and with extreme caution.
Caution required,
Show windows protected system files and try to find any files in reference to CIS in the Windows\Installer folder and relocate them, then try again.
When you are certain the relocated files are no longer required, they could be removed.
This can be time consuming and using caution is a must.
Also don’t forget to hide the protected files after.
How to see hidden files in Windows 8

Great post, but unfortunately, I tried these too.

I did notice in my Comodo Error logs a few entries that stated:

[3132] 2:36:8 tools\RegTools.cpp:32 >> Cannot open key ‘SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall{963236D9-AB2B-4baf-B1F8-CF5BBD988268}’: 2, 0
[3132] 2:36:8 skin\InstallerSkin.cpp:38 >> External theme defined, but cannot be applied: 0
[3132] 2:36:8 tools\RegTools.cpp:389 >> Cannot read binary value from ‘LicenseKey’: 2, 0
[3132] 2:36:8 tools\RegTools.cpp:389 >> Cannot read binary value from ‘SubscriptionID’: 2, 2
[3132] 2:36:8 tools\RegTools.cpp:389 >> Cannot read binary value from ‘WarrMode’: 2, 2
[3132] 2:36:8 tools\RegTools.cpp:244 >> Cannot read dword value from ‘AutoKey’: 2, 2
[3132] 2:36:8 tools\RegTools.cpp:244 >> Cannot read dword value from ‘KnownCamUser’: 2, 2
[3132] 2:36:8 tools\RegTools.cpp:389 >> Cannot read binary value from ‘Countdown end’: 2, 2
[3132] 2:36:8 tools\RegTools.cpp:32 >> Cannot open key ‘SYSTEM\Software\COMODO\Firewall Pro\Configurations’: 2, 2

Just to let you all know, I finally fixed the problem.

It was permission related and for some unknown reason, some registry entries were set to read only. After about 4 attempts at reinstalling and looking at the error logs, I found all the offending keys and and allowed writing to the keys, so I’m pretty pleased.

Thanks to you all for your help, input and ideas. You all helped me to get this up and running.

Merry Christmas.

Thanks for letting us know, it is good to hear that you have solved the issue. :-TU
Merry Christmas to you.

@captainsticks - Thank you, and same to you. Comodo products are the best out there, and now I feel secure again. Have a great 2013.


Congratulations with solving this problem. :-TU