1. What actually happened or you saw:
W.r.t https://forums.comodo.com/bug-reports-cis/unblock-feature-inconsistency-t118636.0.html want more control on the Blocked Applications section, especially the unblock button function.
2. What you wanted to happen or see:
Referring to https://forums.comodo.com/bug-reports-cis/unblock-feature-inconsistency-t118636.0.html
- Add a purge button - Verified wish already exists
- Also add a remove button so entries can be removed entirely from this list, previous referred wish only requests either
- Like the current display currently shows if there are more than one component blocking, Similarly unblock shlould allow a multiple checkbox selection of which components do we want to add the rule and as which pre-defined rule instead of custom
See attached mockup.
3. Why you think it is desirable:
Put more granular and intended control in the hands of the user
4. Any other information:
Nothing to add