Enhancements to Blocked Applications

1. What actually happened or you saw:
W.r.t https://forums.comodo.com/bug-reports-cis/unblock-feature-inconsistency-t118636.0.html want more control on the Blocked Applications section, especially the unblock button function.

2. What you wanted to happen or see:
Referring to https://forums.comodo.com/bug-reports-cis/unblock-feature-inconsistency-t118636.0.html

  • Add a purge button - Verified wish already exists
  • Also add a remove button so entries can be removed entirely from this list, previous referred wish only requests either
  • Like the current display currently shows if there are more than one component blocking, Similarly unblock shlould allow a multiple checkbox selection of which components do we want to add the rule and as which pre-defined rule instead of custom

See attached mockup.

3. Why you think it is desirable:
Put more granular and intended control in the hands of the user

4. Any other information:
Nothing to add

Thank you for submitting this Wish Request. I have now moved this to the WAITING AREA.

Please be sure to vote for your own wish, and for any other wishes you also support. It is also worthwhile to vote against wishes you think would be a waste of resources, as implementing those may slow down the wishes you would really like to see added.

Thanks again.

Agreed as commented in related post to be considered in next major CIS release.