Email Test Fails "An Error Ocurred"

I have tried multiple accounts, multiple domains, dummy pass word and user… I don’t know what is stopping my email test. I can use the same computer with outlook or thunderbird and I am able to access email just fine, but not with Comodo.

Any help?

I a just downloaded the newest version Sunday so I don’t believe it to be an old version.

Welcome Max, do you mean Comodo Dragon won’t access your e-mails? Kind regards.

Comodo backup. Email test option when creating a backup profile fails with “an error has occurred”.

As mentioned I have tried multiple different email servers, different accounts, dummy user/pass combinations… No luck with any of it. I even created the full profile anyhow and let it run the backup and the log tells me it fails there as well.

Basically I am having no luck with the SMTP settings at all.

Sorry my misinterpretation of your question. Hope someone can help you. Good luck.

Please try to run a short backup with your email settings, and let me know if email arrives.
There might be an issue with sending test emails, which was reported by other users.


The email fails:

Unable to send notification email because 147