Email, or live chat - no help. I have part of an virus for U

I do not want to simply place a virus that your software seems unable to detect in an open forum, but you are leaving me no alternative, so far.

CRD does not detect any piece of a virus (or possibly a rootkit) as existing on a PC, however I am seeing virus like behavior on this PC and collected files related to the potential infection. One of Comodo’s pages says to submit my findings to “” an invalid email address, if it ever existed.

I tried to see if I could submit it through live chat. The technician refused to talk with me because I did not purchase anything from you and directed me to some support service.

I am not looking for support. I am trying to help YOU. There is something on this PC which looks like a virus and acts like a virus but it is invisible to your software (CRD).

I thought you guys might want to take a peak at the thing that seems able to evade your detection. Instead you want me to either buy your software - which will not detect and correct the problem at hand or spend money someplace else so someone else can say, “Yup, looks like a virus to me too. Have you tried turning it off and on again?”


If you want my help determining why your software cannot “see” this virus email me.

I am not stupid enough to think that you will bother, but this is my last attempt.