each time i boot the computer it wants to install Internet Security Essentials

CIS is installed, and from this morning on each time i boot my computer and log in with my windows useraccount there is a window from UAC popping up prompting me to enter the windows adminpassword for installing Internet Security Essentials. Why is that? and how can i stop it?

ISE is used to Prevent Man in the Middle Attacks so if you visit your bank or do online shopping it will help secure your Credit card and login information. I would suggest letting it install and then restarting the computer otherwise it will not work correctly till the pc is restarted.

Please see response here.

i never installed internet security essentials. i only have CIS. so why it is prompting me to install ISE?

Again. It wants me to update ISE. BUT i never installed it. EACH TIME i start my computer. whats wrong?

Hi raggansta,
At the moment ISE comes by default with Comodo Cloud Antivirus and Comodo Internet Security.
Please accept the UAC alert and in updated version you will see proper update alert dialog.

You can learn more about ISE using link below:


yes i have commodo internet security. but i dont want internet security essentials. so i dont want to accept the installation or update. i want to remove internet security essentials. how can i do that please? yes i see it now on the list of installed programms, but i never wanted it; can i simply uninstall it there in the list of installed programms without negative effects on CIS, and then the updatemessage will also vanish?

You can uninstall from Add/Remove without affecting CIS.
It’s function is limited to as described in link below:

thank you. i uninstalled it.
where can i get the installer again in case i want to re-install it? is there a standalone installer only for ISE?

Yes, you can always download using:
as pointed in release post.

Thank you, Umesh. :slight_smile: