E-Mail Scanning

Good day

I understand that this product (3.5.55810.432) does not scan incoming e-mails nor attachments for malware, etc. until they are opened or saved.

Please confirm if the product scans out-going mail / attachments for malware, etc. and if so and if found, what is the action taken by the product?


Hey Jds. CIS does scan mail that comes in and out of your pc when it touches the disk.

Email scanners such as Avast!, Avira! Norton etc - Well basicaly it’s just a marketing ploy it scans as it’s passing through the memory, Is there any benifit of scanning it at that level? No, It will be scanned as soon as it touches the disk.

Comodo → Antivirus → Scanner settings → “untick - Quarintene automaticaly” Then it should promt you what to do when there is a threat.

Hope this helps… feel free if you have any more questions :slight_smile:

Thanks Kyle,

Say I get an infected e-mail and fwd it.
Will this product prevent it from being transmitted?

Can this product mark e-mails (in & Out) as ‘Scanned, Malware Free’ or similar wording.


Hey Jds. If the peice of malware is in comodo’s database then it will ofcourse be blocked before you forward it :slight_smile:
No, Currently Comodo does not label emails that the email is clean in\out.

This may or may not change in the future… There is little benifit to doing this unless its for marketing purposes (Showing people you use comodo) For example… If it’s clean - it will be sent. If it’s not clean, it will be disinfected and therefor won’t be sent.

Hallo jdsouza,

you are correct.

To make sure that the forwarded email’s attachments are scanned you have to save them before forwarding.
If they are compressed you may need to use the manual scanning (Scan with Comodo Antivirus right-click menu entry).