during installation error 1610

hi for all forum and sorry for my english but I’m Italian ::slight_smile:

yesterday I have disinstalled comodo personal firewall free because I have
cancelled any file because I’m mistake :-\ and now I can’t install the firewall ???..and the security centre tell me that comodo is installed :o but I have disinstalled it…

comodo in install application not exist more…and in regedit.exe comodo-trustix don’t exist more

I don’t know what to do…

the installshield wizard tell me during installation after the choise where to place the programm:

“Error -1610: The configuration data for this product is corrupt. Contact your support personal”

help me please help me please

my system is windows xp profesional version 2002 service pack2



I’m sorry to say I don’t know what the problem is, why not contact Comodo Tech Support?




You can post in the italian forum.

Maybe I can help :wink:

justin…yes I send an e-mail :wink:

pandlouk…thanks :smiley:

but if there is a person that help me…I was very happy ;D


I am sure that one of the Comodo Staff that come on the forums may be of assistance to you.



I hope :‘( :’( because this firewall is very very good :wink: