Hi Guys
Its been a while since i lasted posted but have a question for you all to ponder over!.I am presently using the firewall not the security suite and its set up in proactive mode with virus scope enabled… behavior blocker fully virtualized…Hips is in safe mode …however… i have been doing some testing on a spare machine that i use when playing around with various apps to detect malware… windows 7 32 bit.
Antivirus for testing purposes is presently Panda Cloud 3 latest version which during testing threw up an alert regards a trojan and blocked it, however i would have expected some sort of alert from Comodo firewall as its in proactive mode and settings left as it comes other than the changes mentioned above.
Is the Comodo firewall designed not to alert you of an intrusion in the event that another vendors security app pops up and alerts you of a virus ect and its blocked by the same app?.. and somehow Comodo firewall would then alert you if the antivirus missed it?.
i say the above as i thought initially you should get alerts from both or am i missing something?.