Dragon installer does not start | Win10 - 64 BIT


I downloaded Dragon browser from following link.

I am double clicking .exe file but it does not give any sign.
No any pop-up or installation guide etc. comes up to my screen. Its like something not reacts.

Currently I am unable to install dragon browser to my laptop.

Is it a known bug or is there any fix ? Can you please advice what to do ?

System info:
Dell Latitude 7490
Windows 10 Enterprise
Version 1709
OS Build 16299.1087
System : 64 bit

Can you check the hash? It should have sha1: AF85FCF682E55716A3FD65D1B6BFFC25C9BCDED7.

Can you check with Windows Task Manager if the installer crashes when you start the installer? If it crashes you will see werfault.exe show up in Task Manager.