downloaded exe file

on downloading a file, cav’s says its clean, but when I try to install it it says its infected, how can that be, seems there a several legit programs Cav flags as infected, how can i find out about these

Which program are you trying to install?

What does CAV say it is infected with?

the question is is why when downloaded and scanned does it say it is alright and after you try to install it says iits not alright that doesnt make any since and its admuncher

I know the question, and please drop your attitude if you want help from me.

Neither the AdMuncher installer nor the AdMuncher program cause an alert from CAV on my system. Where did you download it from?

To answer your question, Some AVs can unpack the admuncher installer and check the files within. Comodo’s on-demand scanner can’t, so it finds nohing suspicious in the single file.
During installation though, the files are unpacked and run and Comodo flags at least one as malware.

Virustotal result is interesting.