Download Virus Sigs By Hand?

Is it possible to download the CAVS virus sig updates by hand from some ftp site and install them later?


Hi dw2108, I don’t believe this is possible. I know a few members have asked about it, but I don’t recall anything ever coming from it.

Can I ask why you would want to do this? Perhaps we can come up with another solution?



This would be usefull for me too as I’ve tried every method of connecting out (within IE and CAVS2). Previously worked but since re-installing CAVS2, no joy as yet :'(.


Maybe Comodo for CAVS 3 will create on the website an option to manually download definition updates from there? I know a few do this!

Something worth PMing Melih about? :wink:


As a longtime, former F-Prot user, I got use to downloading sigs: their 3.1X updater timed out quite often.

One important use for this would be applying the signatures to multiple PCs in one location. In some parts of the world bandwidth is still expensive - and sometimes very slow!

In my case this would apply to three home PCs. But if CAVS is to seriously fulfil its “free for business use” promise, this would be a must for the small office (let alone the large one).

The centralised downloading and distribution of updates will hopefully be included in the LAN Manangement module due out sometime this year. Elimination of multiple update downloads was one of the first reasons this product was suggested, along with ensuring consistency.

Ewen :slight_smile: