Download Guard

Hey Comodo what if you integrated a download guard let Check Downloads to see if they are good or bad Norton Internet security and a few others do that now.

There is no need to do this. It is just a waste of resources.

The AV engine in CIS is an on-access scanner. What this means is that a file is scanned when it is opened/viewed. Malware isn’t a security risk if it’s just sitting there on your hard drive. As long as the AV picks it up when it is accessed, that’s all you need.

Firefox, at least on windows systems, calls CIS on downloads to do a scan. I don’t understand what you are asking CIS to do.

Since CIS doesn’t support command line arguments, how is this supposed to happen?

I think Jim mistook the on access detection with firefox calling CIS to do a scan :slight_smile:

CIS designed fo lowest resource usage.
If CIS still do the following maybe other module will have in nextly version.

That’d be redundant. CIS can discern executable content in your browser cache so it’d definitely be monitoring file downloads. It works like this: once it even touches the hard drive CAV will scan it; once it tries to touch memory [execute or otherwise] CAV will scan it. If CAV sees it as malware you’ll be informed. :wink:

That firefox feature I find is pretty useless unless the AV you want to use with it doesn’t offer realtime protection.

IF… CIS still does the following. Melih himself once said that modules such as web scanners are redundant and wasteful. :slight_smile: CIS is likely to next incorporate greater/full antimalware capability and a behavior blocker alongside D+.