Does Comodo pen test CIS?

Out of curiosity, does Comodo use its own pen testers to pen test/reverse engineer CIS?

Might be a cool idea.


Curiously, what is “Comodo pen”?

Penetration Testers . . . to try to ■■■■■ the security

pentsec, penttest… is good idea!
Ideias for “pentsec”:

  1. test acess connections done for applications unknow and safe;
    1a. test acess connections exploits using commandline (for example, a script malicious if connect exploiting browser, files windows update…
  2. protection against ransomwares (auto-containment is excellent 99,9%, but fail only if folder is add in excecion “not virtualize acess to
    Containment Configuration, Containment, Restricted Internet Access, Containment Computer Security | Internet Security
  3. comodo internet security protected against keyloggers, screenlogger, webcamlogger…
  4. test comodo internet against “trojandownloader”;
  5. test modules separate, for example disable containment, hips… for test module antivirus isolated;