Does CIS detect rootkits?

Does CIS detect rootkits?

Also whats a good level to set heuristics? (low, medium or high)

Yes CIS detects rootkits and the Memory Scanner built into the AV is Anti-Rootkit.

If your not a computer savvy person the defualt Heuristics are ok, You can set it to high but make sure you read what the AV detects. What ever you do dont turn the Heuristics off since they detect a good amount of malware.

So by setting heuristics to a higher level the chance of a false positives increases?

Yes there is a higher chance of FP’s.

There are too much FPs even for low Heur. I did pass some of the FPs to Comodo but show up again later.
It is pretty annonying and I finally turn Heur off.

I don’t have FP’s.

Using Medium level in Real Time and High in Manual and Scheduled.
MS Essentials still running too.
Windows 7 Ult

MS Essentials can be replaced by the CIS ?

Either MSE or Comodo’s AV. Never have two real time AV running together.

Ditch MSE and just use CSI because having two programs scanning your files in real time is not such a good idea.

Your levels that you have set for your Heuristic scanning seems fine but ditch MSE or at least switch real time protection off.


I’ve now desable MSE.

The performance is better now.