Does CAVS scan Hotmail emails in Thunderbird for viruses?


I have recently installed CAVS, Boclean and firewall. I use Thunderbird for all my email accounts (AOL, Sky and Hotmail). I have noticed that when I receive emails in my Sky account that CAVS scans them but I was wondering if it does the same for hotmail and AOL emails.





CAVS should be scanning ALL emails received or received over standard email ports.

Ewen :slight_smile:

Thanks for the answer, I was using Mcafee before and for some reason it was stopping Thunderbird from accessing my hotmail emails.

One other question is, I use utorrent from time to time and I have managed to configure it so it will work thanks to the very informative firewall forum thread, I was wondering how CAVS works with it as to whether or not it will protect me from spyware and viruses creeping in as part of torrents?



Once the download parts have been recieved, assembled and are being written to the hard drive, it is just a file system object and is checked by CAVS on-access scanner. If on-access doesn’t catch anything, and an infection does get through, HIPS should pick up the executable components when they try to start. At this point they can be denied access.

Hope this helps,
Ewen :slight_smile:

Thanks very much for a speedy reply, I thought I was covered.

I have become very impressed with the comodo products I have installed, I have now added backup and verification engine to the collection. I cant believe these are all free and are very good.

I have recommended Boclean, verification engine and the firewall to all my friends and family and once CAVS is not a Beta anymore I will be recommending that too.

I am really impressed with these forums too.

Thanks for all your help


What ports are configured in the WEBMAIL add-on for POP,SMTP,IMAP? Other threads report that CAVS on scans on the “standard” port numbers.

In the webmail addon I have pop port 110, smtp port 25 and imap port 143. The imap port is stopped however.

At present, CAVS email scan engine only works on ports 110 & 25 (the standard POP & SMTP ports). No SSL ports, IMAP, etc.

However, as panic has pointed out, once email is downloaded, if something nasty tries to run, it should be spotted by the On-Access scanner and/or the HIPS, which would take care of it summarily.

Hope that helps,


I’m guessing Boclean would also be watching for anything nasty trying to run once the email is downloaded?

Indeed. A very efficient little piece of protection, that… :wink: