Do you still think that Comodo V8 is safe to use

I was restart the computer after installing Comodo,But I do not know why the problem still exists, Anyway I’m re-test On another system And also I restart the computer in the video test.
When you compare the first video in this video find the same results :slight_smile:

Again, bypass Comodo by Advanced keylogger :-TD
the Video in the Attachments

[attachment deleted by admin]

about the subject of this topic: yes. I still think that Comodo V8 is safe to use but it is getting worse and worse and worse when talking about using it. The lags are making any aspect of what makes comodo king getting down to the floor and making cis feels like the last alternative to secure my computers.

Well, what do you think of this option on the default mode

This option allows the hacker to continue to monitor the victim to the infinite,And violation of privacy by filming Web cam, get password and And upload files from upcoming victim

I dont see how does this relate to the slowdowns on CIS8… Can You explain a little bit more?

See… The problem is not with CIS8 as a secure suite, but with its GUI that is a mass and affect almost every computer with lags and delays and, a lot of time in my experience, dont responding when clicking twice on systray icon or when making scan with the right click menu (right click, scan with comodo).

EDIT.: Just to clarify (more), CIS8 works as it supose to work when talking about blocking malware (blocking anything to be more especific) but we can not interact well with its gui/interface because it is not responsive.

You are hijacking the topic with your remarks about GUI slowdowns. This topic is about whether you think CIS is secure or not. Please file a bug report about this or start your own topic.

There is no Firewall alert about the sandboxed Keylogger?
and I think you are using the default configuration called “Internet Security Config”
Just a little request, can you please test your tool with “Proactive Security Config” and please “Enable Firewall Alerts” :wink:
I am waiting the video with this setting.


Yes, the test was to the default settings
As that keylogger in the link in my previous post, which is not dangerous, making keylogger of security expert,You can download keylogger and test this yourself :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it a background keylogger or a one that has a window?

youre wrong eric. if cis 8 has a lot of problems with its lags and slowdowns then cis 8 is not safe to use. am i right? or doesnt care if the suite is full of bugs?

Slow UI is annoying and uncomfortable, I notice it on my AMD Phenom II system to a certain degree, but not a security issue. Anymore posts about UI lag in this topic will be split off.

I think the video shows the case, whether it has a window or not, it does not differentiate.
Who designed this keylogger is a permanent lecturer in security forums famous and universities :wink: .
Have been pm me from Comodo staff from five months to resolve the problem and the problem is still not resolved.

A program that has a window and accesses keyboard is allowed by CIS. An unknown program that runs in the background should not be allowed to access the keyboard. Do you say that the program you used for testing can work with a window and is allowed to access the keyboard? Also the program can run as a background keylogger (with no window) and is allowed to access the keyboard?

I do not know if it is possible making keylogger works in the background,Anyone who knows the language of Python probably benefit him this link
If Comodo blocks keylogger that only in the background, the hacker can exploit the victim by social engineering. Matter requires the hacker to do is interface design nice keylogger

I would like to see the first social engineered malware with instructions to tell a non suspecting user to run it outside the sandbox. :wink:

I did not mean outside the Sandbox, I mean if the keylogger has the interface or window, comodo not blocked keylogger “inside Sandbox”

Any legit editor that you run would get blocked because it can be seen as a keylogger with a window.

I believed the subject on detection for PUPs/PUAs deserved its own topic.
Split topic found in the link below.
Detection of PUAs/PUPs is disabled by default, why?


                                        New Test

Test install Comodo version 8 on the infected computer

What happened in the test:
I tested two types of malicious software, the first type of malware Rat and the second type of worm
After running malware and check it’s working, I installed Comodo Release 8, after this I restart the computer.
After this, I tested the ability of malware(Rat) on control a computer before checking Comodo files, classification and result Comodo’s failure to tackle malicious software, then tried to test after evaluating the Comodo files and the same result.
I also tested the malware from a worm type, and the result was the same as the first result of malware (Rat)

What can can do malware

malware (Rat)

1-It can take the password easily by option getpassword ,option keyloger or option remote Desktop
2-kill comodo Partially , ability to close the Comodo via mouse control ,And can be uninstalled Comodo via mouse control
3-It can control services,And also delete user files, and destroy system fully via files bat

It can do much, but not strongly malware Rat

So,Do you still think that Comodo V8 is safe to use >:-D