Do you guys smoke ciggaretes and vape?

Hi guys do you smoke and vape?
I do smoke and vape what about you guys?

I don’t smoke or drink and I don’t have sex. hahahaha :rofl:
Now seriously, I like alcohol, preferably whiskey and :beers: :beer:

Why I mean it’s a slightly weird thing to ask about?

i also drink alchohol and tequilla and whiskey

No, I never smoke.I think smoking is harmful to health.

Smoking is injurious to health. I also never smoke.

Here I am sharing some vaping facts: 5 Vaping Facts You Need to Know | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Hey, I used to smoke and vape too, but eventually, I decided to quit smoking completely. What worked for me was gradually reducing the number of cigarettes I smoked while relying more on vaping. I found that focusing on lowering my nicotine intake step by step made the transition smoother, and over time, I was able to quit cigarettes altogether.

I smoked for about six years before I decided to make the switch. Vaping really helped me manage the cravings without the harmful effects of traditional cigarettes. If you’re thinking about quitting smoking or just cutting down, vaping can be a good tool to help you ease off cigarettes. I found that choosing a vape with a flavor I liked made the process easier, and I was able to finally kick the cigarette habit. If you’re interested, you might want to check out Crave Vape as it was particularly helpful for me during the transition.

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No, I don’t smoke because it’s harmful to our health. Smoking cigarettes is a waste of money for small satisfaction. Save money for the future that is helpful in other situations.

I hope my answer satisfies all who smoke.

Nahh Thanks but i will smoke and vape but thanks for the offer

Yes, we take vapes. We have use different flavors.

I used to smoke cigarettes, but I got tired of the gross smell that I had after smoking. My family used to tell me a lot that I smelled bad, and that’s why I stopped smoking cigarettes.
That’s why I found an alternative and started using the Air Bar Nex, which is the most excellent device if you want to leave cigarettes behind you))