DNS Help

when the comodo dns blocks a site were do i go to see where it is or try to edit it

just disregard the warning.


that is still not helping

this is what i see the only way the site will work is if i copy the ip address and search it i dont want to do it that way because i use to go to that site without any problems

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I tried to access the site with my ISP DNS servers and it connects straight away. When I use Secure DNS it waits to connect for more then two minutes and then it times out and get the same screen as you.

what can i do

I get the same error as kazza5, however, both Clearcloud and Symantec DNS are fine. It looks to me like a glitch, as it’s not presenting you with the standard Comodo message but rather a Squid error.

I assume you’ve cleared your browser cache, so I’d try again or switch DNS servers. I’d also Report Blocked Sites You Believe Are Safe Here if you believe it’s clean.

it’s not a problem… just hit Disregard this warning and continue (Not Recommended) using firefox browser.

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I’m having the same problem with a different site, www.cityoftempest.net.

I am using firefox, and clicking disregard and continue don’t help. I en upp either on a blank page or a similar error message as the op poster above.

I have reported it as safe but I don’t want to wait for the comodo team to allow me to enter the site.
I want to enter it now >_<

the problem is still there