Defrag Switch?

Hello. I just want to know if CTM has a defrag switch? Cause Rollback Rx has a defrag switch and im just wondering if CTM also has one. Thanks.

If because is now cause, shouldn’t to know be t’know?

Anyhow, does not have a defrag switch, so by all means stick with the Rollback.

In fact, ctm is compatible with windows disk defragment.


Would you please give details on how CTM “is compatible”?

I read the administrator post on the subject, and it says there that if you use the degragmenter while CTM is operating you will get a real mess! Are you now saying it IS perfectly ok to defrag’ with the CTM working? After all, it is “compatible” according to your present statement. Confused.

Hi, hovey.
CTM works fine with defrag programs.
However, we suggest users to defrag the protected partitions with CTM itself.


The glib “yes it works fine” does not seem to be in agreement with

Comodo Time Machine is compatible with any defragmenter as far as we know.

However, it will result in a huge increase in free space usage because CTM will protect all data in existing snapshots and will redirect the write or every single file that an external defragger attempts to “Defrag”.

The Comodo Developers are working to make it compatible with defraggers, it will be included in upcoming versions (no ETA yet).

Can you give any more nfo why it is fine? Thanks

We suggest users to defrag the protected partitions with CTM itself.

Thanks for your support.

hi hovey,

You are right, CTM will redirect disk operation. and this may cause a big snapshot in CTM. It may wast of disk space. We suggest that Defragmentation before CTM Installation or reset baseline.
we are investigating this issue. thanks for your feedback.

Best regards