Defense+ problem with fullscreen applications

I started a program (game) in window mode and had to confirm a few defense+ popups. Then I switched to fullscreen mode (by pressing Ctrl-Enter). The screen froze in black, but the music (the game was playing) was still continuing. I could not switch back to window mode. Even other keystrokes didn’t work (Alt-F4 to close the program or Alt-Tab to switch to another program). I assume that defense+ created a popup and so all froze.
After hardware-reset and reboot I tried again. Same result.
After another hardware-reset and reboot I told defense+ that the program is a trusted program. Now it works.

Could please defense+ avoid such a situation (e.g. by displaying a popup before fullscreen mode gets entered).

I’m using firewall version 4.0.*.828 on Win7 x64.

By the way: It would be useful if the version of the comodo product could be copied from the about dialog to avoid typos.

Game mode is an old request here. Nobody knows when/if it will be implemented.
Until then you can put D+ in Training mode, launch game, play a little, exit game, put D+ in your previous mode and now you should be fine when launching the game again.

If the screen becomes black, you don’t have to reboot. Wait for ~10 minutes and everything will respond again.

i know a game very buggy with comodo on,
its battlefield badcompany2 !, with sandbox after 10min made crash the game.