Defense + isn't functioning properly, errors while updating etc?

Hi all,
not sure how to fix this, I’ve tried all sorts.

Basically I’ve downloaded the latest Internet Security Installer, and it seems to install okay. But then I reboot, as to finialize the install, and it says

System Status. The Defense+ isn’t functioning properly.

If I Run Diagonostic - The diagnostic utility did not find any problems.

If I Run Virus Scanner - Update failed. Error code 0x80004002, also if I try updating the virus scanner I get that error.

I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling numerous times. I even tried downloading and running Comodo System-Cleaner which I ran after I uninstalled.

I’ve not got any other virus scanning software running and am not sure why its not working.

Any ideas what I should try?



Try to uninstall the COMODO Product, and use the CIS Clean Up Tool:
NOTE: If you are running Windows 7/Vista run the file as ‘Administrator’

Tell me if it works :slight_smile:
