Defense+ blocking Logitech Setpoint and logging the events

Under the Summary/Proactive Defense section, it looks like Comodo is continously blocking “suspcious events” from the application “Logitech Setpoint”. The Action is “Memory” and Target is “cfp.exe”.

How can I fix this problem because I want to allow this application. I checked the Firewall Network Security Policy, and everything is set to allow the application.

You would check the Computer Security Policy Under Defense+ (Defense+ > Advance > Computer Security Policy)


I went in there and changed it to a Trusted Application. But that didn’t help. It continues to log events. What else should I do?

Can you post a screen shot of the logs…


Screenshot attached.

[attachment deleted by admin]


The Logs Show That The Mouse Software is trying to access CFP.exe,
And Comodo Is Blocking It From Accessing Comodo’s Memory

Is There An Issue? or Were you Wondering If This Was Ok?


Not an issue as far as I can tell. Just wondering if it is okay. The only problem is that Comodo shows it as a suspicious event. I now have over 400 suspcious events and counting. Every 5 seconds or so, it adds another event.

It Is Safe,


Go To CIS > Defense+ > Advance > Computer Security Policy > “COMODO Internet Security” > Edit > Protection Settings > Modify > Interprocess Memory Access > Modify > Add > Running Process or Browse For The File

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