Default Low or High

All the Heur False Positives reported here are with Default Low Heur OR High Heur Settings.


Either one. If Comodo detects a false positive on any settings they can be reported here.

It is, however, recommended that when you report it you also give your version number, database, and the settings for heuristics.

I use high

Is good settings for me

Only 1 files are found fals positive, winrar file
Are bean fixen ageian

the heur.suspecious detection is actually coming from the automatic signatures created by CIMA.

Yes, high heuristics will likely catch malware as it’s downloaded or run. This is good as you will be safer than with heuristics on low.

This is better as you are more likely to receive a warning, and as long as you don’t mind reporting possible false positives then it’s fine.

I like high settings
Is the best protection, yes is give little more falsk positive 2 have i seen on my pc (and all the time i have found some malware to test, detect comodo it)
Some times on the name unknow

Bullguard, have 1 setting on, of
This setting i not like it, for bullguard have not detected a malware is easy so see for a human