I have 2 computers, both W11 and both similar CIS set ups.
Every day it tries to update the database and fails about 50% of the time on both computers.
It always hangs at “Install signatures… In Progress 90%” Status: Activating the new updates" and 23% of total.
The new cav file is present in the signatures folder but the old one doesn’t get deleted and CIS doesn’t update to the new one as shown in the About screen.
The only way to cure it is to reboot as there is no way to stop and restart CIS otherwise.
This is driving me mad as it’s been going on for MANY years.
Thank you for reporting.
May I know your CIS version ?
Latest Windows 11 23H2 on both machines.
Thank you for reporting.
Are you running any other security software other than cis ?
And are you using any vpn ?
Could be please share us the screenshot of the error ?
No other software. No VPN.
I’ll post a screenshot when it happens again.
But I described the dialog above and it is identical every time it happens.
When I try to Stop it by pressing the Stop button, it still hangs and won’t stop attempting to do what it’s doing. Because we can’t stop CIS itself I have to reset the computer to get it to update the database again.
Crashed today on laptop. Just hanging at 23% as always. Behind is the signatures folder showing the old and new CAV files.