Cybercrooks add Windows flaw to arsenal

Yet another problem with Windows.

Be careful everyone.

Once again, than you Marc. Er um…Connie Chung? :smiley: Perhaps a Topic on new security threats and put all your findings in there for all to read? Let me know, as your links you find seem very helpful.


Hey Paul,

A security topic sounds like a good idea. BTW, Connie Chung??? The names Walter Cronkite for all you laymen. ;D

Lol, sorry about that Mr. Jennings, :smiley: Ok, I did create the topic once but you went away and I deleted it. So, i’ll get to it. I may have to delete the originals though, hope you don’t mind.


I’m kidding about the deletion, ;D. Well maybe this one we can but if others have replied to your posts, then we will just copy and paste the links. :wink:


Hey Paul,

The thread doesn’t have to have my name on it, I was thinking just a general Security thread where people could place security threats they find.

Alright, if you want it gone, not a problem. ;)I am having trouble turning long links into a linked word or title, I can’t remember the command but either way, i’ll get them there first.


Thanks for all the help Paul.

Never a problem Marc. :wink:
