Custom ruleset does not appear as an option in Treat as popup [M378]

1: CIS version:
2: OS version:
windows 7 pro x64 and windows 10 pro x64 Vanilla
3: What you did:
changed on ruleset and added another ruleset
4: What you actually saw:
the modified ruleset and the newly created ruleset do not appear on the popup when an app try to connect to the internet,
I only get the one I did not modify like “allowed application” (see screenshot).
each time I modify an original ruleset, it disappear from the popup.

I added a ruleset for local network only, I want some app to only work in,
but I don’t get that ruleset I created, CIS is trying to be smart by only choosing what it thinks I need,
this is increasingly annoying tbh, Comodo keep going for the general public n00bs and keep removing advanced option.
in this case the option is available in the parameter, but I use comodo for ease of use, so it’s easy to add a rule to a program via the popup.
If I have to go in the settings option everytime, then why use comodo, Windows Firewall is as stupidly anti-ergonomic

5: What you expected to happen or see:
I expect to see my newly created custom rulesets and the one modified
6: If possible attach a screenshot illustrating the GUI problem

Merged topics and added topic link to tracker.