cursor lockup

i am running the free version of comodo.   i have a new hp lap top.   amd tl-60 processor. 

each time the COMODO DEFENSE + drop down window that states:   SYN TP HELPER EXE IS TRYING TO MODIFY THE USER INTERFACE OF IEXPLOR.EXE      my cursor locks up and i have to wait about 30 seconds for it to go away before i can use the cursor againg.    as i can't allow this request it just keeps popping up about every 15 - 20 minutes.

what am i doing wrong???

Can you please tell us which version Firewall you’re using V2 or V3? So the mods can move it.


 i am runing v3 with all the latest updates.     thanks for the interest.

And when you disable the mouse and keybourd check by defense+?

Does that give any changement?


I unchecked the mouse and keyboard check but that did not solve my problem!!! as you have probably guessed by now i am still a novice with computer knowlrdge. again thanks for your input and interest.


First of all Comodo is free. Secondly read all the sticky’s under important topics. Did you try putting D+ in training mode?.