Cumon.sys Bluescreen Crash

Hey guys,

I hve had System Cleaner(3.0.162875.17) and Internet Security(5.0.162636.1135) installed for a while. There have been no problems up until now.

I created a new user account and attempted to log into it but up came a blue screen of death, with the cumon.sys file listed. This happens each time I try to log onto the new account but not the old account. The old account works fine.

I’m wondering if anyone has experienced this error before or knows how to fix it.


Cumon.sys driver belongs to COMODO Programs Manager. Please address your issue to CPM team.

Please post the Comodo Programs Manager version that are you using and any additional information that might be useful.

Thank you for your bug report

i was having the same problem yesterday so i uninstalled it

i was running the newest beta 1.1 build 44

I have the same problem too. I had to uninstall it to stop the bluescreen.

I have an memory dump of this crash. I attached it, hope it will help.

[attachment deleted by admin]

We have analyzed the dump file and it is the same problem reported here;msg435469#msg435469
The issue is already fixed for the next release.

Thank you for the dump file

any idea on when the next release will be

Edit by EricJH: fixed quote

I only have installed/has updated version 1.1 and at once have seen the blue screen. On it something has been written about Cumon.sys.
Then Windows has ceased to boot. Has deleted through safe mode CPM and became as was.